Christmas With A Difference

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Sandy, our Innovations Manager, knows that this Christmas will be different.

Extended gatherings of family and friends may have to wait until next year, and myriad concerns continue to circulate with the ongoing pandemic.

Yet Christmas is still there on the calendar. Christmas festivities have always been a way to chase away the encroaching darkness and cold. In pared down circumstances, we are all appreciating kindness and celebrating empathy in even greater measure.

This is exactly what has influenced Sandy and her team when thinking about this year’s Empathy Action Christmas Campaign. During a year of social isolation, so many people have found ways to encourage and support friends and family and reached out to help strangers. 

During ‘lockdown’ I met neighbours I’d never met during NHS claps, had friends knock on my door and wave to me from the street to lift my spirits. I played cards with my husband and children every day and laughed a lot while we talked about the foibles of homeschooling. Highlighting and thanking those people who lifted, and continue to lift me, is exactly what I need to keep me going.”

The Christmas Campaign is set to be launched on 2 November. Think about someone you are thankful for and whom you’d like to send one of our ethical gifts

Each of our gifts carries its own story. By thanking your special someone, you will also be offering a hand of support to its maker.

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Stay tuned – you can find us on Instagram /Facebook.


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